Why go serverless?

You don't have to spend time administrating your servers.
No servers to manage? Serverless

  1. Managed compute, no need to guess CPU / Memory requirements
  2. Do not pay for idle resources - Scales to zero
  3. Improved security - Temporary/Ephemeral runtime
  4. Reduce costs - pay per millisecond of execution time, not per hour!
  5. Monitoring / logging / alerts integrated - Reduce operational complexity
  6. Automatically scales as needed - can handle any spike on load
  7. Reliable - leverage the public Cloud, the network and capability
  8. Deliver to your customers - facilitates iterations as quick as two seconds per deployment and even quicker to roll back
AWS certified

Serverless engineering service

Addressing pain points like:

Connect on LinkedIn, view my CV, watch my presentations and my videos on Serverless.

AWS service counts around the world

Rank Region name Service count
1 us-east-1 279
2 us-west-2 263
3 eu-west-1 247
4 ap-northeast-1 240
5 eu-central-1 239
6 ap-southeast-2 238
7 ap-southeast-1 221
8 us-east-2 216
9 eu-west-2 215
10 ap-northeast-2 203
11 ca-central-1 192
12 ap-south-1 187
13 eu-north-1 172
14 sa-east-1 166
15 us-west-1 163
16 eu-west-3 162
17 us-gov-west-1 149
18 ap-east-1 133
19 me-south-1 130
20 af-south-1 128
21 eu-south-1 121
22 us-gov-east-1 115
23 cn-north-1 114
24 ap-northeast-3 113
25 cn-northwest-1 111
26 ap-southeast-3 100
27 me-central-1 74
28 us-iso-east-1 62
29 eu-central-2 52
30 us-isob-east-1 50
31 ap-south-2 49
32 eu-south-2 48
33 us-iso-west-1 41

Estimating serverless costs of this demo

Assuming an execution time of 100ms or less on minimum 128 lambda as this demo is configured and ignoring Free Tier.

Lambda: $0.20 per 1 million requests = ${ requestcost }

Lambda: $0.000000208 per <= 100 ms request duration = ${ durationcost.toFixed(2) }

API Gateway: $4.25 per million = ${ gwcost }

Outbound Data Transfer Costs: $0.12/GB = ${ outboundcost }

Total: ${ total } USD

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